

Regulatory Changes India Sea Cargo Manifest and Transshipment Regulations effective 1st August 2019 - Update

Dear Valued Customer,

This is in continuation to our earlier advisory dated 05​th Jul, 2019 on the matter of Sea Cargo
Manifest and Transshipment Regulations (SCMT) which will be in effect from 1st August
2019, we would like to emphasize on the key highlights of the new regulation, which makes it
compulsory for Shipping lines, exporters and importers to adhere to the defined timelines for
the Cargo Manifestation for Imports arriving in India and for Exports out of India and the
transshipment via Indian Ports.

Imports to India​:

  • Shipping lines are required to submit Import manifest details to Indian Customs prior vessel departure from Last port of call before calling India, for all containers which are going to be discharged at any port in India or are discharged for Transhipment at any of the ports in India.
  • In order to meet the above requirement Bill of Lading need to be ready ​72 hrs prior vessel sailing from Last Port of call.

Exports from India​:

  • Shipping Lines are required to submit Export manifest details to Indian Customs prior
    Sailing of Vessel from India port of loading, for all containers which are loaded on a
    said vessel from India.
  • In order to meet this requirement, Shipping Instructions/Shipping Bill would need to be
    available ​48 hrs​ prior arrival of the vessel at the Indian Port of loading.

Invoice value:

  • Import into India/Export out of India - invoice value is required.
  • In case shipper is not willing to declare the invoice value then ONE has no option but to
    update the value as ZERO (0).
  • FROB cargo – Domestic transit (getting cleared at next port in India) is mandatory. This is applicable for both exports and imports.
  • FROB cargo – Only in case of Foreign transit - declaration of invoice value is optional​.
  • Cargo – not custom cleared in India and in transit to another country - invoice value is optional.

Implementation plan:

  • 1st phase of 45 days (01st Aug till 15th Sep, 2019) will be transition period wherein ONE can test the systems/new process thoroughly. Existing manifest format will run parallel to new format.
  • 2​nd phase of 45 days (16th Sep till 31st oct, 2019) will be a pilot run during which ONE is expected to streamline & align all system issues.
  • Strict implementation: 1st Nov. 2019. No deviation allowed.

Penalty charges:
Custom penalty effective 01​st​ Nov, 2019 : Upto INR 200,000 applicable.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding should you have any questions or
concerns, please contact our Sales/Customer Service representatives.

Please send your queries with reg to SCMT regulation to: in.scmt@one-line.com

To download this advisory, please click here.