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ONE - Change of Agent in Benin

Dear valued ONE customers and partners,

ONE - Change of Agent in Benin 


It is with great pleasure that we welcome R-Logistic as ONE’s new agent in Benin, effective from the 1st  August 2023. 

During the transition from our current agents to R-Logistic, please refer to the VVD Cut off list PDF for contact information regarding your booking service.

After the 1st of August all our services calling at Benin will be managed by R-Logistic.

In the coming days, R-Logistic representatives for Benin will contact you directly to make their introductions and answer any questions you may have.

Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries.

Office Details:

R-Logistic Benin SA

Route de la Grande Gare de BENIRAIL (ex OCBN) | Lot 544 Parcelle K Guinkomey | 01 B.P. 4338 Cotonou

Phone number: + 229 21 31 06 26

Contact Details:

Customer Service Import  + 229 21 31 06 26
Customer Service Export  + 229 21 31 06 26
Disbursement Account  + 229 21 31 06 26
Sales  + 229 21 31 06 26
Equipment Control  + 229 21 31 06 26
Operations Manager  + 229 21 31 06 26

Thank you for your patience and continued support during this period.

Yours faithfully,

Ocean Network Express Ltd.

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